开场(warm up)
NiNi 拍手(teacher clap hands)
学生说(children respond):我在这里(I am here)
二 學習內容(learning content):
1. 家庭成员 (members of family)
Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, older /younger brother, older/younger sister
2. 學習家庭成员歌「Learn member of family」
3. 认字(recognise the character)
学习认字我爱这两个字(learn “I love”)
利用纸盘上的照片和汉字(Usage of paper plate and photos)
4. 複習「找朋友」 (我的朋友在哪里) ,两只老虎 兒歌 (recaps song of looking for friend, and where my friend,two tigers are)
5. 学习新歌小星星 (learning new song-twinkle twinkle star)
一闪一闪亮晶晶, 满天都是小星 星,挂在天上放光明, 好像许多小眼睛,一闪一闪亮晶晶, 满天都是小星星。
6. 讲故事(Chinese idioms story)-盗铃掩耳
Meaning: deceive oneself
掩 = to cover (with the hand), shut, conceal, ambush
耳 = ear
盜 = rob, steal, thief, bandit
鈴 = bell
By Sushu