學習內容(learning contents):
开场(warm up)
让小朋友Jasmine, Caitlin, and Duriel 先练习跳呼拉圈并且同时数1,2,3。
Let small children Jasmine, Caitlin and Duriel practise jumping over Hoopla-loops , and do counting 1 to 3 at the same time.
加强复习数字-consolidate the numbers
复习数字1-10. 由James 拿 数字卡提示。
Revise the numbers 1-10 on the whiteboard with James holding the Chinese number symbol.
听力测验- listening test
将数字卡分散在地上。 老师说一组号码,学生将数字从地上拿起来并且重新组合出老师的号码。
Spreading out all the numbers on the floor and let the children to
fetch the numbers called out by teacher and assemble them in order.
记忆力活动- memory activity –Snap game
Playing snap game to let children grab the numbers called out by teacher.
自我介绍-say my name
全部小孩一起念白版上数字, 最后说我是----------(名字)得第一.
Grouping chanting the numbers written on the whiteboard and each child take a turn to say their own name.
练习写数字- writing the number
Pupils practise writing the number on the mini-whiteboard
游戏- Game
Spreading out all the numbers on the floor and let the children to fetch the numbers called out by teacher and assemble them in order.
记忆力活动- memory activity –Snap game
Playing snap game to let children grab the numbers called out by teacher.
自我介绍-say my name
全部小孩一起念白版上数字, 最后说我是----------(名字)得第一.
Grouping chanting the numbers written on the whiteboard and each child take a turn to say their own name.
练习写数字- writing the number
Pupils practise writing the number on the mini-whiteboard
游戏- Game
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