Wednesday 15 May 2013

Lesson 22 - 14/05/2013

學習內容(learning contents):
* 活動一 / exercise one
绕口令(tong twister- practise the sound of s and sh and four tone)
三 是 三, 山 是 山(san is san, shan is shan- three is three, mountain is mountain)
四 是 四, 是 十 (sì shì sì, shí shì shí-four is four, ten is ten)
三十 是 三 十, 四十 是 四十 (san shí shì san shí, sì  shí shì sì shí-thirty is thirty, fourty is fourty)
四十四只石狮子(sì shí sì zhi shí shi zi- fourty fourty stone lions)
*活動二 / exercise two   
学水果,食物和饮料名称 和认子/learn the name of fruit,food and drink )
食物: 薯条,汉堡包,米饭,面条(food: chips, hamburger, rice, noodle)
水果: 葡萄,香蕉,苹果,草梅     (grapes, banana, apple, strawberry)
饮料: 可乐,水,牛奶, 橙汁      (coke, water, milk, orange juice)
* 活動三 / exercise three
记忆游戏-memory game
接龙画画-copy cat
* 活動四 / exercise four
学 吃 和 喝/learn how to use eat and drink)
游戏-传密语学用我吃苹果, 我喝牛奶/Game: Chinese whisper to consolidate how to use I ear apple or I drink milk)
* 活動五/ exercise five
宾果/Bingo Game – consolidate being able recognise the characters of milk, strawberry, grapes, water and coke and colours)
複習顏色和饮料和水果/ Review Colours , fruit and drink
紅 red
綠 green
黃 yellow
黑 black
橙 orange
白 white

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