Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Lesson 23 - 21/5/13

學習內容(learning contents):

* 活動一 / exercise one

(Opening with singings)
Two tigers
When we are together

*活動二 / exercise two   
複習吟詩『咏鹅 』/ Review Tang Poem


(Goose, goose, goose. Neck bent, it sings towards the sky.
White feathers float on green water.
Red webbed feet splash clear ripples.)

* 活動三 / exercise three

早上     早餐  (morning    breakfast)
中午     午餐  (noon         lunch)
下午     晚餐  (afternoon  dinner)
晚上     睡覺  (night         sleep)

太陽爬起來公雞在叫 - 是早上』- 刷牙洗臉梳頭,餓了 - 吃『早餐
12點了,太陽在正中間 - 是『中午』- 餓了吃『午餐
太陽下山了 - 是『下午』,我們回家吃『晚餐
The Sun rises, the cock crows, it's MORNING, hungry and have BREAKFAST
12 o'clock, it's NOON, hungry and have LUNCH
The Sun sets, it's AFTERNOON, we go home to have DINNER.
It gets dark in the NIGHT, time to SLEEP. 

* 活動四 / exercise four
with aid of picture flashcards: WATER, MILK, SANDWICHES, HOTDOG, COKE, HAMBURGER, we show the children how to make sentences. 
我   喝  一杯   牛奶  ,真好喝!

我 吃 了   熱狗    ,真好吃!    

例: 水,一杯水,喝一杯水,我喝一杯水,真好喝。
ex: water, a glass of water, drink a glass of water, I drink a glass of water, it is tasty.

句子再加長 / extending our sentences:

In the morning, I had breakfast, I ate sandwiches, it was tasty; I drank milk, it was tasty.
At noon, I had noon, I ate a hotdog, it was tasty; I drank coke, it was tasty.

* 活動五 / exercise five
小朋友動手做海報,剪貼填字(水/牛奶/香蕉/薯條/漢堡包) - 也加強練習『吃『喝』的應用
Children make their own poster, cut & paste the adequate pictures accordingly. 
(Learning the use of eat and drink.)

早上,我吃了 _____ ,真好吃。(eat)
中午,我喝了 _____ ,真好喝。(drink) 

learn and practice to write 大(big) 中(medium) 小(small)。

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Lesson 22 - 14/05/2013

學習內容(learning contents):
* 活動一 / exercise one
绕口令(tong twister- practise the sound of s and sh and four tone)
三 是 三, 山 是 山(san is san, shan is shan- three is three, mountain is mountain)
四 是 四, 是 十 (sì shì sì, shí shì shí-four is four, ten is ten)
三十 是 三 十, 四十 是 四十 (san shí shì san shí, sì  shí shì sì shí-thirty is thirty, fourty is fourty)
四十四只石狮子(sì shí sì zhi shí shi zi- fourty fourty stone lions)
*活動二 / exercise two   
学水果,食物和饮料名称 和认子/learn the name of fruit,food and drink )
食物: 薯条,汉堡包,米饭,面条(food: chips, hamburger, rice, noodle)
水果: 葡萄,香蕉,苹果,草梅     (grapes, banana, apple, strawberry)
饮料: 可乐,水,牛奶, 橙汁      (coke, water, milk, orange juice)
* 活動三 / exercise three
记忆游戏-memory game
接龙画画-copy cat
* 活動四 / exercise four
学 吃 和 喝/learn how to use eat and drink)
游戏-传密语学用我吃苹果, 我喝牛奶/Game: Chinese whisper to consolidate how to use I ear apple or I drink milk)
* 活動五/ exercise five
宾果/Bingo Game – consolidate being able recognise the characters of milk, strawberry, grapes, water and coke and colours)
複習顏色和饮料和水果/ Review Colours , fruit and drink
紅 red
綠 green
黃 yellow
黑 black
橙 orange
白 white

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Lesson 21 - 07/05/2013

學習內容(learning contents):

* 活動一 / exercise one

(Opening with singings)
Two tigers, Find friends, Head Shoulders

*活動二 / exercise two   
複習顏色/ Review Colours 
紅 red
綠 green
黃 yellow
黑 black
橙 orange
白 white

* 活動三 / exercise three
唐詩/Tang Poems

咏鹅 [骆宾王]

Goose, goose, goose. Neck bent, it sings towards the sky.
White feathers float on green water.
Red webbed feet splash clear ripples.

我 + 鸟 =

* 活動四 / exercise four
Bingo games in numbers and Chinese characters / basic strokes

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Lesson 20 - 30/04/2013

學習內容(learning contents):

* 活動一 / exercise one
(開場) 站好,手叉腰 
做操練習: 左,中,右,上,下

(Opening with) Stand up, hands on hips.
By doing exercise to learn: left, middle, right, up, down

*活動二 / exercise two   
複習顏色/ Review Colours 

Peppa Pig = 粉紅色 (pink) 
Snow Whilte =白色 (white) 
Blue Peter = 藍色 (blue)  
Harry Potter = 黑色 (black) 
Halloween = 橙色 (orange) 
Yellow Submarine = 黃色 (yellow) 
Rainbow 彩虹 = 紅 橙 黃 綠 藍 靛 紫 (“赤橙黄绿青蓝紫”) 
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

* 活動三 / exercise three
基本笔画(筆劃) Basic strokes

丶  点(點) dot (dian)
一  橫  horizontal (heng)
|     竖(豎) vertical (shu)
/     撇 down stroke to left (pie)
 \    捺 down stroke to right (na) 
亅  豎勾 hook (shu gou)
乛  橫折 turn (heng zhe)
ˊ 提 (ti) 
乚 斜彎 (xie wan)
丿 豎彎 (shu wan)

* 活動四 / exercise four
唱唱跳跳 / Sing & Dance

香蕉 Banana 草莓 Strawberry 水 Water 可樂 Cola 葡萄 Grapes 蘋果 Apple 牛奶 Milk 橙子 Orange 果汁 Juice


Each child has a pictured flash card, sings (for example):
Strawberry kick, Strawberry kick, after Strawberry kick, Apple's turn to kick
Apple kick, Apple kick, after Apple kick, Milk's turn to kick
Milk kick, Milk kick, after Milk kick, Grapes' turn to kick...

* 活動五 / exercise five
傳球遊戲 / Pass the ball down game (數一數, counting) 

分兩隊,計時兩分鐘,看哪隊傳比較多球 (廿顆球為上限)
Two teams, in 2 minutes, see which team passes more balls (max. 20 balls)

* 活動六 / exercise six 
数一数,写一写。 練習
Count and Write worksheet

Learn to write 『吃』『喝』(eat, drink) in correct stokes order, it's the homework too for the week!