學習內容(learning contents):
Topic of this term is to introduce the correct writing of Chinese characters in strokes
* 活動一 / exercise one
使用筷子道具,數1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
使用字卡複習中文字的 一二三四五六七八九十
介紹和學習中文的十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九
二十 三十 四十 五十 六十 七十 八十 九十
讓小朋友練習看阿拉伯數字轉中文數字,例: 10 (十) 9(九) 11(十一) 12(十二)
Use chopsticks as props, count 1~10
Use flash cards to revise numbers in Chinese characters
Introduce counting beyond 10: eleven~twenty, then thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
Let children "translate" Arabic numerals into Chinese characters, example: 10 (十) 9(九) 11(十一) 12(十二)
*活動二 / exercise two
介紹寫中文字的基本筆劃 丶一 | / \ (点橫竖撇捺)
基本規則: 1. 從左到右 2. 從上到下
例: 『四』豎橫折撇豎折橫
Introduce the basic strokes for Chinese characters: 丶一 | / \
dot (dian) / horizontal (heng) / vertical (shu) / down stroke to left (pie) / down stroke to right (na)
with rules: always 1. left to right, 2. top down
example: 『五』horizontal - vertical - horizontal turn - horizontal
『六』dian - heng - pie - na
* 活動三 / exercise
認識一周七天: 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期天(日)
星期一猴子穿新衣 星期二猴子肚子餓
星期三猴子去爬山 星期四猴子去考試
呈期五猴子去跳舞 星期六猴子去蹓狗
Knowing the 7 days in a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Days rhyme: (its does rhyme in Chinese
Monday monkey puts on new outfit, Tuesday monkey goes hungry
monkey goes mountain climbing, Thursday monkey write exams
Friday monkey goes dancing, Saturday monkey goes dog walking
* 活動四 / exercise four
複習身體部位: 洗洗手,洗洗臉,洗洗頭髮,洗洗腳,洗洗身體
Revise body parts with "wash": wash hands, wash face, wash hair, wash feet, wash body
活動五 / exercise five
男生女生競賽 - 使用以下井字表~
Boys vs. Girls contests by using the chart below:
Monday | Friday | 星期天
Wednesday | 星期五 | Saturday
Tuesday | 星期四 |
遊戲一: 圈叉井字遊戲 (男生贏)
game 1 : tic tac toe / naughts and crosses (boys win)
遊戲二: 融入記憶的井字遊戲 (女生贏)
game 2: naughts and crosses with memory game incorporated (girls win)
* 活動六 / exercise six
習字: Practice writng
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