Topic of today is learn the correct writing strokes of Chinese characters
* 活動一 / exercise one
(開場) 「口乾嗎?」(口渴嗎?)
「你要喝什麼? 水? 果汁? 牛奶?」
「蘋果汁? 橙汁(柳橙汁)?」
(Opening with) 「Are you thirty?」
「What would you like to drink? Water? Juice? Milk?」
「Apple juice? Orange juice?」
*活動二 / exercise two
複習 Revise
写(寫)中文字 Write Chinese characters
基本笔画(筆劃) Basic strokes
丶 点(點) dot (dian)
一 橫 horizontal (heng)
| 竖(豎) vertical (shu)
/ 撇 down stroke to left (pie)
\ 捺 down stroke to right (na)
學習如何算筆劃 and learning to count how many strokes
『六』dian - heng - pie - na = 4筆劃 / 4 strokes
『三』heng - heng - heng = 3筆劃 / 3 strokes
『八』撇捺 pie - na = 2筆劃 / 2 strokes
『十』橫豎 heng - shu = 2筆劃 / 2 strokes
* 活動三 / exercise three
基本笔画 - 繼續...
亅 (勾) hook
乛 (折) turn
1. 從左到右 from top to bottom
2. 從上到下 from left to right
3.先橫後豎 Horizontal before Vertical
4. 先撇後捺 Diagonals right-to-left before Diagonals left-to-right
* 活動四 / exercise four
Learn to write 『水果汁』(juice) in correct stokes order, it's the homework too for the week!