Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Lesson 17 - 26/03/2013

學習內容(learning contents):

Topic of this week is "Easter" and "Tomb Sweeping Day" (Qingming Festival) 

* 活動一 / exercise one
朱赤解說復活節的由來: 復活節 ≠ 彩蛋 ≠ 小兔
小朋友們說小兔是送彩蛋禮物來的! 也是正確!!

ZhuChi explained the origin of Easter to the children: Easter ≠ Easter egg ≠ Bunny
Easter holiday is celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion. 
It represents "new life".
Easter egg = a bird hatches from it with life
Easter bunny = Bunnies come when Spring arrives, they also represent fertility and lives.
The children are correct too when they say Easer bunny brings Easter eggs and gifts to them.

*活動二 / exercise two 
做復活節卡片 - 仿寫「耶稣再回来 快乐复活节」
Making Easter Cards - copy write if children like: 
- Jesus came back alive, happy Easer
- Thank you Jesus for giving us dad/mum/older brother/older sister/ younger brother/ younger sister/ food

* 活動三 / exercise three
- 影片介紹「清明節」
Short clip to introduce "Tomb Sweeping Day" (Qingming Festival)

- 介紹唐詩《清明》,作者杜牧

Introduce a famous poem from Tan Dynasty "Qingming" by Du Mu

* 活動四 / exercise four
Singing: Throw the handkerchief


* 活動五 / exercise give
「有獎認字」/ Prize for recognising the words
 I, dad, mum, older brother,  older sister, younger brother,younger sister, cat, dog, rabbit, goldfish

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Lesson 16 - 20/03/2013

學習內容(learning contents):

Topic of this week is "pets" and recognising the words 

* 活動一 / exercise one
唱遊活動 / Singing
1. 兩隻老虎 / Two Tigers (in frere jacques tune)
2. 当我们同在一起 / When we are together
3. 世上只有妈妈好 / Mum is the best (Chinese rhyme) 

*活動二 / exercise two 
- 複習"家人": 「我」「爸爸」「妈妈」「哥哥」「姐姐」「弟弟」「妹妹」
  Revise "family members":  I, dad, mum, older brother,  older sister, younger brother,younger sister. 
- 發紙筆讓小朋友可以自己畫+寫自己的兄弟姐妹
  Given pens and papers for the children to draw their siblings and try to write the words.
- 造句練習 / Making sentences
  1. 我有 爸爸/妈妈/哥哥/姐姐/弟弟/妹妹 (I have dad/mum/gege etc.)
  2. 數一數這家有幾個人? 七個。(Count how many people in this family? 7. )
  3. 我有一個弟弟。我有兩個妹妹。(I have one younger brother. I have 2 younger sisters.)
* 活動三 / exercise three
Revision on the 12 animal signs representing Chinese Years 
Introduce that Mouse, Rabbit and Dog are often found as pets.
But Dragon is not a real life animal.
(動物 vs 寵物。Animal vs Pet)

* 活動四 / exercise four
- 認字練習: 「狗」兔子金鱼
Practice recognising: Cat, Dog, Rabbit, Goldfish.
- 介紹其他常見的小寵物: 仓鼠,小白鼠,鸚鵡,鳥
Other pets we might often see too: hamster, guinea pig, parrot, bird
- 造句練習 / Making Sentences
  Q: 你家裡有沒有(猫/狗/兔子/金鱼)? A: 有。Q: 有幾隻? 
  Q:  Do you have cat/dog/rabbit/goldfish at home? A: Yes. Q: How many?

* 活動五 / exercise give


Idiom story time: "Stand next to" tree stump" wait" hare rabbit"

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Lesson 15 - 12/03/2013

學習內容(learning contents):

Topic of this week is "family members" in reading/writing practice 

* 活動一 / exercise one
- 點名: 先編號,叫號後,小朋友答: 「1號是我xxx」「2號是我xxx」
  take register: give every child a number, by calling the number, the child answers: No. 1 is me, xxx (name)
- 互動: 請問他叫什麼名字? 小朋友答: 他是xxx
  activity: "What is his/her name?" Children answer: He/she is xxx.

*活動二 / exercise two 
- 複習"身體部位": 「頭」「頭髮」「眼睛」「耳朵」「鼻子」「手」「腳」「嘴巴/口」
  Revise "body parts": head/hair/eyes/ears/nose/hands/feet/mouth
- 唱 「頭兒肩膀膝腳趾」
  Sing " head shoulders knees and toes"
- 動詞練習: 拍,搖,摸,抓    
  Verbs: clap, shake, touch, grab
- "老師說"遊戲: 如- 摸鼻子, 摸頭髮, 搖屁股, 拍手
  "Simon says" game: ex. touch nose, touch hair, shake bottom, clap

* 活動三 / exercise three
介紹辛普森一家: 爸爸,媽媽,巴特,麗莎妹妹,瑪姬妹妹
巴特的爸爸是誰? 巴特的媽媽是誰,麗莎是巴特的妹妹,瑪姬的哥哥是 etc. 
Introducing the Simpsons: daddy Homer, mummy Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie
Who is Bart's daddy? Who is Bart's mummy? Lisa is Bart's sister, Maggie's brother is Bart etc.

* 活動四 / exercise four
習字練習: 「爸爸」「妈妈」「我」「哥哥」「姐姐」「弟弟」「妹妹」
Practice recognising and/or writing: dad, mum, myself, older brother, younger brother, older sister, younger sister. 

* 活動五 / exercise give
學習活用(問答) / application (Q&A)
A1: 你有妹妹嗎? Q1: 我的妹妹是xxx,他在那裡。Q2: 我沒有。
       Do you have a sister? Q1: Yes, my sister is xxx and she is over there. Q2: No, I don't.
A2: 她是誰的妹妹? / Whose sister is that?
A3: 有媽媽的舉手? / Raise your hand if you have mummy? (Everyone - well done!)
A4: 沒有爸爸的舉手? / Raise your hand if you don't have daddy. (No one - clever, didn't get tricked!)
A5: 誰有弟弟? / Who has a younger brother?
A6: 誰是哥哥或姐姐? / Who is an older brother or sister?

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Lesson 14 - 05/03/2013

學習內容(learning contents):

Topic of this week is to reinforce "body parts" in reading

* 活動一 / exercise one
- 使用字卡複習+認字 / Use of flash cards to revise + recognise the words:
- 小朋友輪流看過字卡後,指出身體的那部位,讓其他小朋友說
  Children took turns to look at flash cards, point at the body parts to let other children say what they were.

* 活動二 / exercise two 
To recognise the words and do the action: stomp, clap, nod, shake head
認字練習 眼睛「看」嘴巴/口「說」鼻子「聞」耳朵「聽」
To recognise the words: eyes 「see」mouth 「say」nose 「smell」ears 「hear」

* 活動三 / exercise three
學習活用 / application
- 噴香水: 好聞不好聞? 好聞「點頭」不好聞「搖頭」
spray perfume: smell nice or not? say smell nice & nod or say smell not nice & shake head
- 吃飯用「嘴巴」,用「手」拿湯匙, 眼睛「看」便當,鼻子「聞」
Eat with mouth, hold a spoon with a hand, look at the food with eyes, smell the food with nose

* 活動四 / exercise four
製作母親節卡片,小朋友學習寫: 妈妈我爱你
Making a Mother's day card and learn to write (or copy): Ma Ma I love you.
介紹「世上只有妈妈好」兒歌 / Introduce 「Mum is the best」Chinese rhyme.
