Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Lesson 26 - 18/6/13

學習內容(learning contents):

* 活動一 / exercise one
「點名」/ "taking register"
問: 「*** 有沒有來?」/「*** 有沒有在這裡?」
答:「有」/ 「我來(到)了」/「我在這裡。」
    or 「沒有來」

Ask: "Is *** here?"
Answer: Yes./ I am here.
       or: No, not here.  

*活動二 / exercise two   
排練唱歌 / Singing rehearsal 
「我的朋友在哪裡」/「Where are my friends」
「當我們同在一起」/「When we are together」

學習新歌拔萝卜」/ Learn our theme song The Enormous Turnip

* 活動三 / exercise three
複習『我  喜歡/不喜歡  吃/喝 』的造句
Revise on making sentences by using "I like/don't like  eat/drink"

Children make part of a sentence, then unfold a flash card, to see if the sentence made is sensible.
O 我 喜歡 吃 巧克力。I like to eat chocolate.
X 我 喜歡 吃 兔子。I like to eat rabbit. (Correction: 我喜歡兔子。I like rabbits.)
O 我 不喜歡 吃 蘋果。I don't like to eat apples.
X 我 喜歡 吃 牛奶。I like to eat milk.  (Correction: 我喜歡牛奶。I like to drink milk.)
O 我 吃 漢堡包。I eat hamburgers. 
O 我 喜歡 狗。I like dogs.

* 活動四 / exercise four
The Enormous Turnip』Performance trial run.

* 活動五 / exercise five
中翻英練習 / Translate Chinese into English
我喜歡喝牛奶 => I like to drink milk.
我喜歡吃蘋果 => I like to eat apple.
我不喜歡喝水 => I don't like to drink water.
我不吃貓 => I don't eat cats.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Lesson 25 - 11/6/2013

學習內容(learning contents):

In order to celebrate our end of academic year success - Yes, well done to everyone, we have worked hard hand in hand for ONE year, we plan to do a party with Children doing some performances showing how well they have learned.
We have spent today's lesson to run through and practice a few things for the performance.  For more details, please read the meeting minutes that Sue has sent out, thank you.

* 活動一 / exercise one

Singing practice
「Two Tigers」
「Where are my friends」
「When we are together」

*活動二 / exercise two   
講故事時間: 好餓的毛毛蟲
Story time : the Hungry Caterpillar 

* 活動三 / exercise three
『The Enormous Turnip』Performance trial run.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Lesson 24 - 4/6/13

學習內容(learning contents):

* 活動一 / exercise one

(Opening with "taking register" )
A little assistant being appointed to take the name list and take register
『Is *** here?』
『Yes, I am.』
Or: 『Not here.』

*活動二 / exercise two   
複習圖卡: 米飯,麵條,熱狗,漢堡包,三明治/三文治,薯條,巧克力,糖果
耳語傳話遊戲: 分兩組,老師耳語圖卡其中的一種食物,小朋友耳語傳話下去,看哪組傳的快又準。

Revise with aids of flash cards: rice, noodles, hotdog, hamburger, sandwich, chips, chocolate, sweets.
Whisper Chinese game: two teams, teacher whispered one kind of foods which had been practice, children passed the word down by whispering, then see which team did it faster and correct.

* 活動三 / exercise three

Revise with aids of flash cards: a bottle of water, coke, ice cream, milk, orange juice
Guess what's on the randomly picked card.

* 活動四 / exercise four
造句練習 / Practice making sentences

我  喜歡  吃  『熱狗
我  喜歡  喝  『可樂
我  喜歡  吃  『冰淇淋』和   喝 『牛奶
我  最  喜歡 吃『巧克力
我  也  喜歡 吃『糖果
我  不  喜歡   『麵條
我  最  不  喜歡  『橙汁

Picture flashcards: a bottle of water, coke, ice cream, milk, orange juice, rice, noodles, hotdog, hamburger, chips, banana, apple, strawberry, grape, watermelon, sweets, chocolate
Writing flashcards: I , like , and , most , too , not , eat , drink

Children use those flashcards to make sentences such as:
I like to eat hotdog.
I like to drink coke.
I like to eat ice cream and drink milk.
I like to eat chocolate the most.
I like to eat sweets too.
I do not like noodles.
I do not like orange juice the most.

* 活動五 / exercise five
玩沙包 / chinese bean bags game

餅干, 巧克力, 糖果, 沙包 - 丟沙包,抓糖果後,同時要接住掉下的沙包。
Given cookie, chocolate, sweets and a chinese bean bag - throw the bean bag in the air, grab the sweets and catch the bean bag that's falling down.
Same for chocolate and cookie.