* 活動一 / exercise one
「點名」/ "taking register"
問: 「*** 有沒有來?」/「*** 有沒有在這裡?」
答:「有」/ 「我來(到)了」/「我在這裡。」
or 「沒有來」
Ask: "Is *** here?"
Answer: Yes./ I am here.
or: No, not here.
*活動二 / exercise two
排練唱歌 / Singing rehearsal
「我的朋友在哪裡」/「Where are my friends」
「當我們同在一起」/「When we are
學習新歌「拔萝卜」/ Learn our theme song 「The Enormous Turnip」
* 活動三 / exercise three
喜歡/不喜歡 吃/喝 』的造句
Revise on making sentences by using "I like/don't like eat/drink"
Children make part of a sentence, then unfold a flash card, to see if the sentence made is sensible.
O 我 喜歡 吃 巧克力。I like to eat chocolate.
X 我 喜歡 吃 兔子。I like to eat rabbit. (Correction: 我喜歡兔子。I like rabbits.)
O 我 不喜歡 吃 蘋果。I don't like to eat apples.
X 我 喜歡 吃 牛奶。I like to eat milk. (Correction: 我喜歡喝牛奶。I like to drink milk.)
O 我 吃 漢堡包。I eat hamburgers.
O 我 喜歡 狗。I like dogs.
* 活動四 / exercise four